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Statutory Functions Of The Department Maritime Labour Services

In line with the overall objectives and scope of both the NIMASA Act 2007 and the Merchant Shipping Act 2007, the Maritime Labour Department of the Agency is mandated to:

  1. Pursue the development of Shipping and regulate matters relating to Merchant Shipping and Seafarers.
  2. Regulate the Implementation of Seafarers and Dockworkers employment, and Safety and Health Standards in relation to the provision of Maritime Labour in Nigerian Maritime Zone, International Maritime Labour Market and ILO Conventions.
  3. Register and maintain a register of every Maritime Labour Employer.
  4. Register and maintain a register of Maritime labour.
  5. Ensure that Maritime Labour Employers and Maritime Labour comply with existing regulations and standards relating to crewing, wages, safety, welfare and training at Ports and on board vessels.
  6. Make regulations prescribing the conditions of Services of Nigerian Maritime Labour.
  7. Ensure that Employers of Maritime Labour implement the agreed Conditions of Services for the Maritime Labour Industry.
  8. Provide direction on Qualification, Certification, Employment and Welfare of Maritime Labour.
  9. Develop and implement Policies and Programmes which will facilitate the growth of Local Capacity in manning of ships.
  10. Enforce and administer the provisions of the Cabotage Act 2003 with regards to manning of Cabotage Vessels.
  11. Perform flag and Port State duties.
  12. Establish the procedure for the implementation of ILO/IMO Conventions, Codes, Circulars and resolutions to which Nigeria is a party on Maritime Labour.
  1. Undertake the general system management for the production and issuance of the Seafarers Identity Documents.
  2. Investigate and resolve disputes relating to employment and Welfare of Maritime Labour.
  3. Undertake regular inspection to ensure that Maritime Labour Employers comply with National Health, Safety and Welfare regulations.
  4. Handle Industrial relation issues and enforce Employees Compensation Benefits.
  5. Ensure that Maritime Labour Employers engage only registered Seafarers and Dockworkers in any Port, Terminal, Jetty or Offshore Platform in Nigeria or onboard any Nigerian Vessel.
  6. Implement the provisions of the Maritime Labor Convention,
Powers, contravention and Penalties:
  1. The Agency shall have the power to discipline, suspend, cancel or revoke the permit, approve license or certificates of dockworkers, seafarers and employers of Maritime Labour who contravene the provisions of its Act.
  2. A person who is not a registered dockworker or seafarers and engages in the performance of dock work in any port, terminal or offshore platforms or terminals in Nigeria or on board any Nigerian vessel in contravention of this section commits an offence and is liable on convention to a fine of not less than N50,000.00 or to a maximum term of imprisonment of six (6) months or both.
  3. An employer of dockworkers or seafarer including shipping companies, stevedoring companies, jetty or terminal operator who engages a dockworker or seafarer who is not registered with and certified by the Agency, commits an offence and shall, in addition to any penalty provided in any other law, be liable to a fine of not less than N1,000,000.00